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Elaine Owens

Please help Dave make this meeting a success! He is quite right that 100-200 people who believe in the principles Howard Dean espoused in his campaign gathering at the convention could make a profound statement about our efforts to make the state Democratic Party more responsive to the grassroots and to the things that have to be done to make the party the majority party in the state once again.
One thing we might want to consider: Giving special recognition to five people who contributed so much to the Dean campaign effort in Virginia during the primary season - Don Beyer, Jennifer Boysko, Sherry Stanley, Rep. Jim Moran, and Rep. Bobby Scott. Don was an anchor of strength and knowledge to all of us who worked the campaign. Jennifer stepped in as director of the Dean campaign at Falls Church headquarters and never hesitated in hard work for the Governor. Sherry Stanley put her personal life on hold for many months and shepherded the petition drive to a successful conclusion - and became the petition expert for Burlington. Jim Moran gave unwavering support to our efforts and was always there when asked to help. Bobby Scott traveled the state and gave inspiration to many of us who saw him working alongside us to promote Howard Dean's candidacy.
Thank you, David, for putting together this meeting. Lat's all make it a success!
Elaine Owens
Dean Coordinator for Roanoke VA

Maura in VA

Honoring Jennifer, Sherry, Rep. Scott, Rep. Moran, and Don Beyer at this event is a FANTASTIC idea, Elaine. (I think we have to make sure they'll be there first, of course!)

Elaine Owens

Jennifer will be there, I know. I'm pretty sure that Don, Bobby Scott, and Jim Moran will, too. (In fact, they should be elected as delegates to the national convention - if there is a God!)
I'll contact Sherry and try to convince her to come. Others might want to contact Sherry, also. She never (in my humble opinion) got the recognition she deserved for her efforts or the enthusiasm she spread to all of us early on about Howard Dean.

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