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I wanted to mention this NARAL email I received 1/28, including this:

Share Your Story!

In Virginia, some health insurance plans that cover prescription drugs do not cover prescription contraception.

Delegate Mitchell Van Yahres introduced a bill that would require health plans that cover prescription drugs to cover prescription contraception. Show your support for this legislation.

We are collecting stories from people whose health insurance does not cover contraception. If you have a story to share, please submit it on our Personal Stories webpage [http://www.naralva.org/s06stories] or email it to us at [email protected].


[The message also included this invitation:
Pro-Choice Lobby Day
for the 2005 Session of the Virginia General Assembly

When: Thursday, February 3, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Where: General Assembly Building
9th & Broad St., Downtown Richmond

The 2005 General Assembly session will be making major decisions that could dramatically affect your reproductive rights and the rights of all Virginians. Come to Richmond for Pro-Choice Lobby Day and help send a message to all of our state legislators that we are pro-choice, we vote, and we are concerned about our reproductive freedom.

Tentative Schedule:
8:00 - 11:00 am: Meet legislators & attend committee meetings
11:00 am: Burma shave (sign holding) public demonstration
12:00 - 2:00 pm: Rally & light lunch]


After reading the personal story I emailed to NARAL-VA, Executive Director Ann O'Hanlon responded on 1/31, "It's very timely, since the Virginia General Assembly is considering contraceptive equity bills today and tomorrow." She asked if they could read my story today, calling it "powerful stuff," with my slant being that restrictions on bcp scripts/coverage also restrict medically necessary bcp treatement for endometriosis and ovarian cysts.

Do you know anyting more on this stuff?



I just now received a reply from my Senator, Harry Blevins, informing me that a similar bill (SB839) was defeated in the Senate Education and Health Committee this morning (03Feb05). Haven't heard from my delegate on any of the house bills I also wrote them about (HB2784 and HB2855).



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Here are mine:
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share yours if you don't mind revealing your genius. :)


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