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for more info on House races go to virginia2005.blogspot.com

Christian Grantham

It's about 8:05 in the morning here at our campaign head quarters on Bull Run Mountain, and I'm barely finding the time to squeeze out this comment. Why? Because this past weekend was so amazing that it's made me realize there is a hell of a lot of work to done!

You guys did a superb job with the training. It was a valuable experience that will pay-off big time for our campaign to elect Bruce Roemmelt to the VA House of Delegates for the 13th District.

Now that we see the work ahead a little more clearly, we also see we need a lot of help. Even though we started late on fundraising (Feb. 2005), we still outraised our opponent ($30,000 - I know Steve hates those zeros, but time is a precious asset), and we're going to do it again this quarter, too. Now we have to also out do our opponent, one of VA's most radical, extreme and ineffective delegates, in the field. The 13th District deserves leadership and can do much better.

To do that, we need everyone's help. The one thing I'd ask anyone reading this to do right now is to simply visit our campaign's website at www.Bruce2005.org. Join our campaign! Sign up to recieve our updates. That's it.

I want to thank each of the DFA trainers for stepping up, giving their time and giving us the training we needed to win!

Elaine in Roanoke

Just as I'll never forget the first time I heard Howard Dean dare to tell truth to power, I'll never forget Steve Ybarra saying to us, "Why aren't there any 'Democrats for Gun Safety Clubs'?" and "Why don't Democrats make it safe and easy for parents to bring their children to organizing meetings?" and "You do know that you are not 'normal Americans,' don't you? Normal people aren't at an all-day political meeting on a Saturday."
He threw out so many logical, self-evident ideas that I'll have to return again and again to the notes I took during his presentations.
The whole weekend was extremely well-done and loaded with information to make all of us better grassroots organizers. Thanks to DFA, LFA, DFV, and all the people who participated. Now, all we have to do is reach out to all those "normal" people in our neighborhoods who were grilling steaks and watching TV while we enjoyed great company and excellent training.

Sam Osborne

Thanks to everyone at DFV, I am always amazed at the long term effect that Howard Dean had in bringing us all together and out of the wood work. I hear stories of people who left jobs to go and work for a real democracy not the sham that the Bushies would like us to believe.
Thanks again for the hospitality and the energy.

Islewood, AKA Sam Osborne, A Voice

We can greatly admire those from among us that step into harm’s way in defense of all of the rest of us.

We need not admire those that twist support for our brave troops to justify their questionable actions and judgment—particularly when what is proposed and excused mires our service men and women in a place of grave danger.

These magnificent members of our military stand and fight and do not hide behind anyone; the man that has sent them there should not try to hide behind them.

How long will George W. Bush try to conceal his misjudgment behind their valiant service? In his State of the Union, he claimed we cannot fail in Iraq. The fact is that Bush already has. His war in Iraq is a failure and the task we now face it to pick up the pieces as best we can.

The failure is not that of our troops; it is that of a man who has misused their valor, dedication to duty, and precious lives. The failure is also that of those that are still willing to tolerate his disgracefully incompetent leadership.

All distortions that attempt to mask the horror that is Iraq will not change what is obvious; we have an incredibly incompetent president backed by a straggling band of sycophants. This man can only lead sheep--may his dwindling flock of followers have a nice bah, bah, bah.


Dear Mr. Ybarra,

Hillary Clinton deserves the Hispanic support. Ahora y siempre! Please consider this request seriously,

Thank you!

Manuel M. Rodriguez


Dear Mr. Ybarra,

Hillary Clinton deserves the Hispanic support. Ahora y siempre! Please consider this request seriously,

Thank you!

Manuel M. Rodriguez



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